Admissions Process

AIS provides a premium international education to students between the ages of 18 months and18 years from 40 different countries. English is the language of instruction and primary language of communication throughout the school. 


Australian International School

Applicants to AIS must demonstrate that they have the academic ability, skills, and knowledge to follow the curriculum successfully. As part of the enrolment process, all students are tested for their English language ability. A compulsory English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme will be provided to students who are offered a place at AIS and require this support. This important supplementary course is charged as an additional fee to parents. Additionally, all prospective students will meet the Principal or the Deputy Principal as part of the enrolment process. Children with learning difficulties will meet with the Principal and Learning Support co-ordinator before a place at the school can be confirmed. The fee for the learning support services is additional to the standard tuition fees. 

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Admissions Process at AIS 

Applying for a place at AIS involves the following steps: 

Submit application documents online:

  • Enrolment Application Form
  • Copy of school reports for preceding 2 years (translated into English, where applicable) 
  • Copy of student’s Birth Certificate or Passport 
  • Copy of Parents' passports or Identity cards (for Vietnamese students) 
  • Special Education Needs assessment or report (if applicable)
  • Copy of certificate of achievement in academic, sporting, cultural or community programme (if applicable)

Students should sit an entrance exam and interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal.

Receive a Letter of Offer of a place at the School.

Accept an offer of a place by paying Acceptance Fee.

Pay Tuition Fees (based on details in the Debit Note).

AIS School Prospectus

Download AIS School Prospectus

AIS Senior School Profile

Download AIS Senior School Profile 

Primary and Kindergarten School Profile

Download Primary and Kindergarten School Profile